Internet Sites  >  Geography Index  >   Rainforests

Animals of the rainforest
A school project - information and pictures of amphibians, reptiles, fish, insects and other animal species. Also includes some useful links for both information on rainforest animals and plants, and rainforest ecosystems and general resources

Australian Rainforest Conservation Society
Produces a number of 'Forest Facts' sheets and maps relating to the forests of South-East Queensland, downloadable in PDF format.

Biomes - Amazon
Information from the WWF.

Forest protection portal
Vast Rainforest, forest and biodiversity conservation news & information.

Great Bear Rainforest - Canada's forgotten coast
Site developed by Greenpeace, offers a virtual tour of the largest temperate rain forest on the planet.

Rainforest Action Network
Non-profit organisation for the protection of rainforests. Information on regions, action alert, news and views.

Rainforest Australia
Images and information about plants and animals in Northern Qld rainforests.

Rainforest facts for students
An excellent resource, with information on the disappearing rainforests, the wealth of the rainforests, rainforest action, rainforest biodiversity and a whole section on the Amazon rainforest.

Rainforest Web
World Rainforest Information Portal. Information on the importance of rainforests, locations of rainforests worldwide, why they are being destroyed and how they can be protected.

Strata of the rainforest
An intersting site for younger students showing the environment and life forms supported in each strata.

Wet Tropics - World Heritage Area
From Environment Australia and the State Govt of Queensland. Topics include Managing a living resource, Visiting the wet tropics, Living Museum and Rainforest aboriginal heritage.

Types of rainforests