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To kill a Mockingbird

These websites all support themes and topics that are discussed in the novel 'To kill a Mockingbird'.  African-American History

Infoplease:  Civil Rights Timeline.  Milestones in the modern civil rights movement

History of the Ku Klux Klan

Ku Klux Klan - Encarta Online Encyclopedia
These sites provide an outline of the history of the Ku Klux Klan from the Reconstruction period after the Civil War to Klan activities in relation to the Civil Rights Movement and recent conviction of Klan leaders for their part in racial violence.

Ku Klux Klan
This page contains information gathered by The Rick A. Ross Institute (an organization which maintains a database of information about controversial groups) about the Ku Klux Klan.

The Depression

America's Great Depression  American History:  Great Depression and New Deal

Main causes of the Great Depression
These sites provide information on the Depression in America: an overview, facts and figures, causes and cures, photographs and general statistics & Figures

America from the Great Depression to WWII
A huge collection of black and white photographs depicting Americans at home, at work, and at play, with an emphasis on rural and small-town life and the adverse effects of the Great Depression, the Dust Bowl, and increasing farm mechanization.

History of the African American

Wikipedia:  African American History  African American History

These sites provide information on a wide range of subjects relating to the history of the African American:  African origins, slavery, abolition movement, emancipation and reconstruction, civil war, civil rights movement, economic and political empowerment, biographies, photographs, etc.

We Shall Overcome: Historic places of the Civil Rights Movement
Historic places in the history of the Civil Rights Movement

The Scottsboro Nine

Spartacus Educational:  the Scottsboro Nine
Tells the story of the 9 black youths who were arrested and convicted with the rape of 2 white girls.  Various authors comment on the injustices which followed.

The case of the Scottsboro Boys
An article on the role of the Communist Party in the defence of the Scottsboro Nine.

American Treasures of the Library of Congress:  the Scottsboro Nine
Contains the story of the Scottsboro Nine plus copies of newspaper articles, photographs, etc.

NY Times: Turning truth on its head - The Scottsboro case:  People's Weekly World, 15 February 1997
Editorial articles reviewing the Scottsboro case.

The Montgomery Bus Strike

King Encyclopedia:  the Montgomery Bus Strike

The Montgomery Bus Boycott
These sites detail the history of the Montgomery Bus Strike which began in 1955 when the African Americans of Montgomery, Alabama decided to boycott the city buses until they were allowed to sit anywhere they wanted.  The boycott was just one stage in the long Civil Rights struggle.

Segregation of Schools and the Battle at Little Rock

Wikipedia article on desegregation, the process of ending racial segregation and a longtime focus of the American Civil Rights movement.

All Eyes on Little Rock Central High
In 1954,  Little Rock Central High, Arkansas, became a focus of the Civil Rights movement when the Supreme Court of the United States  in an historic ruling declared that segregation of public schools was unconstitutional.

The Real 'Mississippi Burning' Story

Famous Trials:  U. S. vs Cecil Price et al. ("Mississippi Burning" Trial) 1967
An account of the 'Mississippi Burning' Trial including photographs, video of proceedings, maps, biographies, KKK documents, the Jury€™s Decision and the Supreme Court Decision.  The 'Mississippi Burning' case.  Law Center:  'Mississippi Burning' Trial begins.

Spartacus Educational:  'Mississippi Burning' Trial
These sites outline the events leading up to the 'Mississippi Burning' Trial in 1967, the role played by the Federal Government to convict the murderers and the ongoing Civil Rights campaign to bring justice to the victims.

Rosa Parks' Story

The Time 100:  Rosa Parks

Grand Times!.com:  Rosa Parks:  the woman who changed a nation
The story of Rosa Parks a black woman who showed quiet bravery and determination to fight against the injustice of segregation.  These sites tell of her arrest and trial, a 381-day Montgomery bus boycott, and, finally, the Supreme Court's ruling in November 1956 that segregation on transportation is unconstitutional.

Martin Luther King's Story

Wikipedia:  Martin Luther King Jr  Martin Luther King Jr. The Nobel Peace Prize 1964

The Seattle Times:  Martin Luther King Jr. and the Civil Rights Movement
Biographical details, speeches, photographs and details of his leadership role in the Civil Rights movement in America.

Malcolm X's Story

Spartacus Educational:  Malcolm X

The Malcolm X Project at Columbia University

The Official Website of Malcolm X
These sites provide information about the life and legacy of Malcolm X, Civil Rights leader in America.  Includes biographical details, chronology, achievements, photos, speeches and quotes.