Internet Sites  >  Geography Index  >   Cities 1000 A.D.
Cities 1000 A.D.

General Resources for growth of cities

Cities 1900

Ten largest cities of the world
From World Click on any of the cities to get background information on the economy, people, government etc.

Cities of today, cities of tomorrow
An interactive project from the United Nations CyberSchoolbus, an initiative for students and teachers.

CIA World Factbook - information on all countries

Library of Congress Country Studies - information on all countries.

Bubl link - catalogue of internet sources. Countries index.

Geography World: Population

AboutCom: Largest cities through history
Good links to related resources

People and cities
From People and Planet Net - factfiles, charts, regional patterns and statistics

Lonely Planet : information on all countries, with related data on the history and culture of each.

World History Hyperlibrary

Exploring Ancient World Cultures: excellent reference sources for Medieval Europe, the Islamic World, Ancient China, India and the Roman world.

3 Cities - Alexandria - 1 AD, Cordoba 1000 AD, New York 2000 AD.
From the National Geographic, a vivid tour of 3 cities showing how life has -and has not- changed over 2000 years.

Song dynasty - Thinkquest

Constantinople today
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Cordova (Spain)
The Omayyad emirate in Spain

Indian embassy site

Itihaas : Indian history from the Indus Valley to contemporary India
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