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Homework Helper

AboutCom's Homework Help
Featured articles, quizzes, homework resources in many topics. Browse the homework help Question and Answers, or post a question of your own.

A directory of experts in the areas of television, music, software, medical and other subjects. Click on an area to get a list of the volunteer experts in the area, which includes a link to an email form where you can address your question and expect a reply.

Argus Clearinghouse
Ideal starting spot for narrow searches. Guides to many areas of interest, each reviewed and rated on a scale of 1-5, for easily selecting the most appropriate site to search.

Ask an Expert.
Have a curly question that needs an expert to answer? Choose from volcanologists to diamond cutters, Shakespearean scholars to politicians, these experts will give you the answer you are looking for.

Homework Spot
From the Centre for Smarter Kids, this site brings together a virtual reference desk, current events, a Science Fair Centre and links to related help sites.

How Stuff Works
Marshall Brain's How Stuff Works has sections for parents and students. Supercategories include internet and technology, science, health, entertainment, transportation, machines and just "cool stuff". A really great site to visit.
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Fact Monster
From Information Please, get information on everything you want from people and science, maths and world news. Try the cool quizzes and games.

Internet Public Library Youth Division.
A great, user-friendly resource for students looking for homework help or teachers looking for new class materials. Search many different subject areas, distinctly broken down, or take part in projects from learning to build a car to exploring other cultures.

A terrific site just for kids to find information on almost everything you might need to help you with your homework. The subjects range from general areas like science and math, geography and history to the weird and mysterious!
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