Reference Centre  >   Country and Travel Information
Country and Travel Information

CIA World Factbook
US Government resource guide with detailed statistics and information on geography, people, government, economy and a lot more.

GeoHive - Global Statistics
Country profiles with provinces and main cities, capitals, surface areas, population and other data.

Time Zone Converter

Currency Convertor
Interactive foreign exchange rate conversion. Type the amount of source currency in the input box, and select the destination currency using the scrolling selection boxes.

World Gazeteer - country sizes

World Gazeteer - country population

World Gazeteer - capital cities

Lonely Planet Online
Guide to the most popular travel destinations around the world. Select your destination, then get down to earth travel information on health precautions, places to see, history, geography and culture of the country you wish to visit.

Surface Distance Between Points of Latitude and Longitude
Javascript program to calculate great circle distance using latitude and longitude points on the earth.

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Time and Date
Time and date around the world, as well as a meeting planner, fixed time calculator, calendar for any year and more.

Travel Tools
Fantastic tools for international travelers, including a world public holidays calendar, currency convertor, maps, metric convertor, weather sites, electricity requirements by country, dialing codes, international clothing size chart, time zone clock.

Atlapedia Online
Full colour physical and political maps as well as key facts and statistics on countries of the world. The Countries A-Z section provides facts, figures and statistical data on geography, climate, people, religion, language, history and economy for each country. The World Maps section has physical and political maps for the regions of the world. Searchable

AltaVista's BabelFish Translator lets you translate passages from English to French, German, Italian, Portuguese and Spanish or the other way around. Or type in any URL and see the page translated into the language of your choice.

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