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VCE English Texts

Robert Bolt. A man for all seasons

A man for all seasons: study site - Greg Smith
Site created by Greg Smith, an English teacher in Queensland. A useful model plan of the play, notes discussing the video, a text analysis exercise looking at the historical theme of treason, essay topics and plans.

Spark Notes Study Guide - Man for all seasons
SparkNotes is the creation of students from Harvard University, and offers a range of free study guides for literary texts. It offers the following features: context of the play, plot overview, list of characters, analysis of major characters, scene by scene analysis of the play, study questions and essay topics and a helpful bibliography for further reading.

Encyclopaedia Britannica Online -Sir Thomas More
Information on his life and achievements, with some related links

Coursework Bank UK Essay: A man for all seasons
Student essay describing main themes, historical background and Bolt's techniques in using the Common Man as narrator.

Bookrags Study Guide: A man for all seasons
Site contents include an introduction, author biography, summary and analysis, themes, characters, critical overview and bibliography for further readings.