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Online Magazines

The Atlantic Monthly. Reputed for quality journalism in politics, society, the arts and culture.

Australian Geographic. A great resource for information on geography, the environment, travel.

Computer World. A computer news site, including product reviews, current issues, resource centre and careers in computing.

The Economist. Current issues with full text of major articles, and searchable archives.

History Today. Magazine for anyone interested in the movements and events that have shaped our world. Great articles with visual representation of various records.

New Internationalist. Monthly magazine discusses global issues facing students, including human rights, sustainable development, gender politics and more.

New Scientist. Huge amount of up-to-date information about happenings in the world of science. Excellent graphics supporting the articles.

An independently operated cyber magazine that "seeks to enlighten its readers about the Middle East". Provides an alternative view of events in the Middle East seen from the Palestinian perspective.